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Gender Equality


Gender equality has been one of the core values of Publicis Groupe since its inception. Respect for each individual is a strong component of the corporate culture around the signature "Viva la Difference," which recognizes and values individual uniqueness as strengths.

The Group is highly committed to inclusion, gender balance, and diversity, reflected in corporate commitments such as the signing of the 7 Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) by UN Women or active participation in the Unstereotype Alliance with UN Women, bringing together around twenty global companies to combat stereotypes in communication campaigns.


Gender equality must be tangible and requires constant vigilance; it must exist at all levels: from recruitment to promotions, career developments, and remuneration. Indicators show there are still areas for improvement.


In accordance with the provisions of the "Professional Future" law of September 5, 2018, Publicis France agencies with at least 50 employees have established their Index dedicated to professional equality between women and men.


The criteria considered in the calculation of the Index are:

Indicator 1: pay differentials between women and men;

Indicator 2*: difference in individual raise rates between women and men;

Indicator 3*: difference in promotion rates between women and men;

Indicator 4: percentage of employees who received a raise upon returning from maternity leave;

Indicator 5: number of employees of the underrepresented sex among the 10 employees who received the highest pay.


In companies with fewer than 250 employees, indicators 2 and 3 are combined. Therefore, both individual and promotion-based raises should be considered.

To calculate the company's Indexes, we engaged an external firm that collected all data and ensured the accuracy and reliability of the results.



The members of the Publicis Drugstore Executive Committee have decided to monitor the evolution of this Index quarterly and to strengthen managerial team training on unconscious biases.


Beyond the strict annual snapshot of indicators and the publication of the Index for the companies concerned, the Group aims to continually improve its actions with a goal of social progress to reinforce professional equality between women and men.


Publicis Groupe is convinced that professional and salary equality is a factor of collective enrichment and sustainable performance, and a major focus of social policy.


Publicis Groupe also wishes to raise awareness among its employees and management about other equally important issues aimed at strengthening professional equality between women and men, such as work-life balance and combating sexual harassment and sexist behavior.

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