The essentials from Father Castor's catalog.
Discover all the magic of Christmas stories, with 9 new unpublished tales, starting from age 3.
Instead of asking for just one story, Father Castor tells you 24! From December 1st to 24th, open a numbered little book each day for an original way to celebrate the countdown to Christmas. The calendar, which opens like a big book, can be displayed under the tree, near the fireplace, on a table, etc., so that everyone can admire its enchanting decor.
Find classics from the catalog such as Michka, Sleeping Beauty, The Mitten, Hansel and Gretel, as well as 9 new stories: Noël aux quatre vents (Christmas in the Four Winds), Le Gros Pull (The Big Sweater), À Pas de Loup (Stealthily), Mon Bisou Préféré (My Favorite Kiss), Au Secours, il Fait Noir! (Help, It's Dark!), Le Mystère de la Minuscule Chaussette (The Mystery of the Tiny Sock), 24 Petite Souris et la Neige de Noël (24 Little Mice and the Christmas Snow), Pendant que Maman Fait la Sieste (While Mom Takes a Nap), and Snow the Little Eskimo.