Your financial success doesn't necessarily depend on your knowledge. It depends on your attitude. However, attitude is not something that is easily learned, even when you are very intelligent.
Most often, finance is taught as a mathematical discipline where entering data and applying formulas seem sufficient to determine what to do regarding investment, personal finance, or economic strategies. Yet, in real life, we don't make our financial decisions in front of a spreadsheet. We make them at the family dinner table or in a meeting room, places where our personal history, our unique worldview, our ego, our pride, business considerations, and strange motivations intertwine.
In The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel, a multiple award-winning author, shares nineteen short stories in which he explores our unique ways of thinking about money. In doing so, he helps us better understand one of the most important subjects in human life.
Publisher: Valor Editions
Author(s): Morgan HOUSEL
Publication: March 17, 2022
Interior: Black & white
Format(s): Paperback
Language(s): French
EAN13 Paperback: 9782361170561