Charlie’s Almanack for the Good Old Days is a tribute to the power of interdisciplinary reasoning. It is not just a book about investing, but a guide aimed at teaching us to think for ourselves in order to better understand the world around us. Charlie's philosophy combines ideas from almost every discipline he has been interested in, either closely or distantly—not only business and finance, but also mathematics, physics, history, ethics, and many others. His writings extol the virtues of free enterprise, certainly, but also the right way of doing business, with integrity and rigor. In other words, how to take your work very seriously, but not yourself.
Publisher: Valor Editions
Author(s): Peter D. KAUFMAN
Publication: April 3, 2025 (exclusive at Publicisdrugstore on March 24, 2025)
Interior: Black & white
Format(s): Paperback
Language(s): French
EAN13 Paperback: 9782361170950